7 Week Course Series

God's Kingdom Principles of Relationships

Downloadable Study Sheets will appear here each week.

Class Study Sheet 1
Class Study Sheet 2
Class Study Sheet 3
Class Study Sheet 4

Location: Kingdom Reign Ministries

4550 NE Palmetto Dr. Jensen Bch, FL

7:00 PM EST

Class is also offered on Facebook LIVE, (on Rick Kendall's PAGE) and through recorded videos as classes progress.

Attend Class FREE or enroll as an Official Student: $100. per course  (for Certificate & Availability to College Credit through EBCS). for questions or enrollment contact us at 772-979-3409
To give a financial offering or to pay for classes, you can do it through PayPal.Me/VictoryMinistries 
CashApp: $victorymin
 or through Cash App: $victorymin

The School was birthed with a vision and passion to equip the upcoming as well as seasoned ministers and marketplace leaders with strategic revelation concerning God's Kingdom advance.

God's Kingdom Principles of Relationships (Destroying Soul Ties)

Weekly Videos Will appear Here

Session 1: Introduction

Session 2: Eliminating Emotional Triggers

Session 3: Love & the Fellowship of the Mystery

Session 4: The Prophetic Act of forgiveness

Some of the Prior Course Series: (the complete list of courses are on the introduction Mentor School page).